Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Road Trip 2010: Day 14 – Saving the best for last

I've had some pretty memorable mornings in my life, but nothing even comes close to today's. Tiia and Dan took me to Cour Ailée to meet my father. He's a seven year-old Barbet named Punch, but if you hung around the dog show circuit, you would have known him as "Conga".

As soon as we saw each other, we knew, too. We have the same mannerisms, the same strikingly good looks and, as it turns out, the same love for the love. We don't have the same smile, though, because Punch lost a few of his front teeth when he ran face first into a tree.

As happy as I was, Dan and Tiia were even happier, and that was the best part of the day. I was afraid that they'd think I'd pull the "you're not my real parents" routine on them after meeting my kin, but the truth is that, while I was once a Cour Ailée, I'm a Yurkenbaum now, through and through. And I'm pretty proud to say that.

I'm a bit emotional now, so I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

"Been forever and a day, my boy!"

Okay, we do have the same smile! And the same eyes!

Me and Lynn...she was my first person.

Tiia and Punch having a moment.

I knew my chin-resting came from somewhere.

This is Echo, another Cour Ailée barbet (no relation to me). I sure don't miss that haircut.

My two dads.

1 comment:

Paula Ballak said...

great photos Dan and Tiia!! (and Maui)
Nice to see you hanging out with our dad...you look alike...cool!!
